Why Raw?

Dogs and cats, like their progenitors, are carnivores. Their short digestive tracts and high acidic stomach juices are designed by nature to digest raw food.

Cooking meat at high temperatures destroys the essential nutrients, enzymes and amino acids that our pets need. Why reduce the nutrients when you do not have to? Even though a properly prepared and balanced home cooked diet is superior to most commercial dry kibble, Fidelis Meats believe that pets truly thrive on a wholesome and balanced raw diet.

Some of us may feel queasy about feeding our pets raw but it is actually the most natural way for our pets to eat. Getting over this hurdle may take time but like all those who have taken this leap of faith, you will not turn back after experiencing the benefits it brought to our beloved pets.

What are the benefits of a Raw Diet?

Benefits of raw food for pets include:

  • Healthy Skin
  • Shinier Coat and Less Shedding
  • Reduced Skin and Food Allergies
  • Improved Oral Health, Teeth and Breath
  • Reduced Dental Work Fees
  • Improved Digestion
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Better Weight Management
  • Less Stool Volume and Odour
  • Less Destructive Chewing
  • Higher Energy Levels And Calmer Disposition
  • Healthier Pet
Why Fidelis Meats?

We understand that you want only the best for your beloved pets. We also know that most of us here in Singapore live such a hectic life that we are simply too busy to research, procure and prepare the best food for them. And for many who have tried preparing it, it can be pretty messy and complicated trying to balance out the meals in the correct proportions. At Fidelis Meats, we try to fulfill this gap by being the first local butcher dedicated to your pets’ needs. We have experienced the wonderful benefits of raw feeding and are eager to share our expertise. Let us do all the work…… so you don’t have to.

How many days’ notice do I need to give for new orders?

Please provide us up to 14 days to prepare all new orders.

Can I thaw and refreeze the food?

Thawing and refreezing food is safe from the food safety perspective when done correctly. The only detriment may be the taste quality for discerning gourmets.

How many days does the food stay fresh after it is thawed?

Fidelis Meats products are vacuum sealed for freshness and quality. Our products stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 5 days if unopened.

How do I get started?

At Fidelis Meats, we recommend a complete switch as the easiest way to transition from dry to raw for dogs with no underlying gastro-intestinal issues. The digestive system for dogs is designed for raw foods so they are processed much faster than commercial dry kibble. Feeding a combination of both is not advisable as the different digestive rates may result in the intolerance of different foods staying in the system longer than usual. This may result in diarrhea, vomiting or both. For cats, a gradual introduction is recommended.

We will start your pet off with just a single protein patty with ground bones in the 1st week to get your pet accustomed to its new diet. This will allow your pet to stabilize its digestive system and return to its natural acidic state. If your pet is coping well on the first protein, a second protein is introduced in the 2nd week followed by a 3rd and so forth till your pet is eating the full variety of proteins for maximum benefit. At any point when your pet gets a bad reaction to a new protein, return to the previous routine when your pet is doing fine and wait till all is normal before trying again on the next protein.

A switch in diet is a drastic change for your pet. While most pets transition without a problem, a minority of pets that have been fed a whole life of kibble may experience some problems initially. Runny stools, constipation, and vomiting may occur. If your pet experiences any of these side effects without clear signs of distress and is of its usual high energy self, it is alright to continue observing for a day or two. However, if your pet is lethargic and clearly not well, please seek vet advice immediately. Knowing the possible symptoms beforehand will result in greater success for the well informed owner.

Is my dog going through detoxification?

When a dog transitions from a commercial diet to raw food, his body may undergo detox. Detox is the process whereby the dog gets rid of the toxins accumulated in his body through years of exposure to unhealthy commercial diets, chemicals and medications. This reaction can be hardly discernible or may present itself in various symptoms that can last from a few days to a few months.

Symptoms of detoxification may include one or a combination of the following:

Excessive mucus discharge from eyes, ears and stools.

Itchy skin, rashes, hotspots, dandruff, doggy odor and shedding.

Dark urine and loose stools. Constipation or vomitting.

A perfectly healthy dog that suddenly presents symptoms after switching to a raw diet is undergoing detoxification. A dog with a known allergy that has been doing well on the new raw diet and suddenly seems to relapse with its old symptoms flaring up more viciously than before is also undergoing detox. Again, a well-informed owner will be less likely to panic and revert the dog’s diet back to a commercial one.

How Much Do I Feed

Every pet is an individual with differing needs. With raw feeding, the usual starting guide will be about 2-2.5% of the dog’s ideal adult body weight depending on size of your dog. Cats, smaller dogs below 10kg and active dogs need a higher percentage while medium to large dogs and senior dogs need a lower percentage.

For more Information, click here to go to our Feeding Calculator.

Fidelis Meats recommend starting your dogs at 2% and adjusting accordingly to the pet’s weight gain or loss to achieve their ideal weight.

Aren’t bones dangerous for my pet?

The saying that chicken bones are dangerous for your dog is only half the story told. Cooked chicken bones is dangerous for your pets as they do splinter and may cause perforations in the gut. However, raw chicken bones are pliable and soft and are very good for your dog as they work out the jaw muscles for your dog as well as clean out their teeth. In addition, bones contain essential minerals and help to balance out the calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Do you deliver?

We do free delivery for all orders above $100. All our Pre-portioned (200g and above) and Bespoke Plans qualify for free delivery.

However, the frequency of the delivery will depend on the amount of food ordered. For example, a Pre-portioned Plan for small dogs may cost $100.80 per month and thus qualify for 1 free delivery while a Pre-portioned Plan for a large dog may cost $100 per week and thus qualify for weekly free delivery.

Orders below $100 will incur a delivery charge of $20.

For More Information click here to go to our Delivery page.

Is salmonella dangerous to my dog?

Dog saliva has antibacterial properties and contains lysozyme, an enzyme that lyses and destroys harmful bacteria. This is why dogs with their noses constantly sniffing the floor and dirt do not fall sick like humans. Their short digestive tract is designed to process food quickly and leaves no time for the bacteria to colonize the gut. However, bacteria may hurt the dog if the dog already has underlying problems or a compromised immune system.

Commercial kibble and raw food can certainly harbor salmonella, so awareness is important.

Regardless of what food you feed your pet, animals can naturally harbor salmonella which can be a risk to humans, especially if they are immunocompromised.

The raw food meant for your dog is no different from other raw food meant for human consumption. It should be handled with the same safety precautions you would use when you prepare food for your family.

Good hygiene practices should ensure that salmonella will not pose a threat to your household.